2023 Review

2023 Review

Here is a glimpse of what we were up to in 2023.

January 3 was our monthly First Nations gathering at Shekinah Christian Center in Longview. Gary & Pat Walker of Fire Starters prayer ministry (Tacoma WA) shared. Everyone in attendance was encouraged to participate in worshiping our Lord and Savior (Creator Sets Free) with drum, dance and song.

January 6 marked our 20th anniversary of ministry as Jerry Chapman Ministries!

February 1 First Nations Sunday, our friend Sean Britt shared his testimony. The timing was perfect as there just happened to be several First Nations men from a local recovery ministry in attendance that day. There is nothing more impacting than to hear and see how by the grace of God everyone has a chance at productive and satisfying life. We had worship the word of God and fellowship with food. This is real church!

February 4 our eldest granddaughter came to work on her drum tying skills. It is a joy to have the love of culture to be as meaningful to our children and grandchildren as it is to us.

Jerry spent time building drums for our friends in ministry so they would be able to provide meaningful protocol gifts. Many add their own art work to Jerry’s drums to personalize their gift.

March 5, First Nations Sunday at Shekinah our good friend Dan & LaRita Lundy from Siletz Oregon showed up to help with worship. We are always pleased to share these time with our extended family.

April 2, another First Nations Sunday at Shekinah, we are having more and more people attend not just Native people. We are providing a different expression in a Sunday worship service that seems to meet the needs of a vast variety of people.

April 15, Leslie helped out with Hope is Arising women’s conference in Longview. More than 100 women showed up to worship, pray and fellowship together. Everyone left saying “Let’s do it again!”

April 14-16, Jerry traveled to Bellingham to the annual All Native Men’s Retreat. The men look forward to this time of First Nations worship, teachings and fellowship. This year they were blessed to have Ray Aldred share stories and deep teachings. On Saturday afternoon Jerry taught a drum building workshop.

April 21-23, was the Tribal Ministry Conference in Tacoma. We had some great teachings and wonderful worship with Terry and Darleen Wildman of Rain Song. Terry has been working on a First Nations translation the of the bible and his teachings are always inspiring. Jerry was happy to be able to help out with worship. There was great support with several dancers and drummers. Sunday morning we headed to Muckleshoot Pentecostal to again help Rain Song with worship.

April 30, granddaughter Ava and grandson Presley spent a couple of days in the shop tying drums with Pops. Both are now at the place where they can build on their own. We are so proud of these two and feel blessed that they share the love of our First Nations culture with us. Next up will be granddaughter Kennah as she will soon be at the age to join them in the shop.

April 30-May 2, was the annual KLMA Prayer Summit in Cannon Beach Oregon. Pastors, ministry leaders and intercessors come together to pay for our community. We also take time in worship and sharing. Helping with worship is always an honor.

May 4, we traveled to Olympia and join Daniels House of Prayer & Light of the World Prayer Center for National Day of Prayer. We opened up the afternoon session with worship inside the Capitol. We have participated with this prayer event for many years and are always an honor to be included.

May 7, First Nations Sunday. We have guests from Vancouver, Portland, Canby Tacoma,
Sequim, Poulsbo, Rochester, some of these are over 2 hours away. All coming together to attend a contextual style First Nations gathering and celebration of Creator. The Gathering is always followed by a potluck and lots of fellowship.

May 18, our friend and music producer Martin Neil was back to work on the Cd project and took an afternoon to spend some time at our place with a local youth worship team. He shared powerful stories with the kids that literary moved them to tears. He showed them how one person’s “Yes” to the Lord can literally change a nation. Then they also got to share their sound for Our new album.

May 20, while we had Martin & Rebecca Neil in town we took them to check out the Portland Saturday market and later to local schools In Honor of Our Children Pow wow.

May 24, Jerry was invited to spend Shavuot with Sam & Sugunthi Dewald along with Washington intercessors. The Dewald’s connection with Israel is a force that is needed today. These two have treated the world and host visitors who travel with them to Israel.

May 30, was the Franklin Pierce School District’s first student led Pow wow, our daughter Breanne is a councilor in that district and helped mentor the students. We came along with retail to support the event.

June 6, another First Nations Sunday, again new relationships are being developed. Young couples with children and all children are welcome on the drum & to dance their prayers.

June 11, China Garden Church in Portland is where we joined Portland House of prayer for drumming worship & praise into the atmosphere of this corner of Portland. The have continuous worship with multiple teams. It just felt right and we made some new connections.
Thank you Barbra Hushka for the invitation.

June 18, Was the day Maggie Kennedy was ordained as pastor at Shekinah Christian center. Rodger Lucas founding pastor of Shekinah traveled from Colorado to do the honors with several local pastors in attendance. Rodger was gifted a drum with a painting of the seed planter with artwork by Karin Young. The whole ceremony was God inspired. Island Breeze ministered in song to seal the event.

July 2, First Nations Sunday, every meeting is unique and led by Holy Spirit.

July 28-30, Wiconi Family Camp and Pow Wow, this annual gathering is moving forward, changing and being led by Holy Spirit. We are getting more youth involved, having more break out sessions along with teaching honor and traditional ways. Great outdoor Pow Wow!

August 3-6 SQ’ EWA:LXW Skawahlook Family Gathering, always good to be together with family!

August 11-13 Siletz Oregon, the Kennedy family joined us as we participated in the annual Pow Wow parade and then did a Sunday Worship service at the Pow Wow. We are thankful for our Siletz friends and also our Shekinah family the Kennedy’s who go out of their way to support us.

August 15, Cataldo Idaho, the Cataldo Mission is the oldest standing building in Idaho. The reason we went there was to meet the descendants of Spokane Gary. Many years ago Jerry learned about Gary who was a tribal leader and more importantly an evangelist who helped kindle a revival in 1800’s. All that to say Gary wrote a book that had a poem that impacted Jerry in a profound way. About 20 years ago Jerry wrote a song using that poem. Last year he finally was able to make contact with the Gary family to receive permission to record the song. So we met the family at the Feast of Assumption at the Cataldo mission on August 15th. The family was deeply moved when Jerry sang the song and happily gave permission to record it. The presence of the Lord was tangible the entire time we were there. This was a mission ordained by the Father.

After Cataldo we headed to Winchester Idaho to visit good friends and former ministry partners John and Vangie Brown. Our time together was a real blessing. We have missed them deeply.
It was good to catch up and have worship time with them once again.

September 3, First Nations Sunday we gathered to a full house of worshipers ready to share testimonies, sing and dance our prayers. As always the food was good and conversations were lively. We are all so thankful for the opportunity to gather in this unconventional way.

September 13-15 was our time in Pendleton Oregon with Danny & Gloria Houle. We had a good time catching up and discussing the making of our new album. Danny is still in the Christian radio business so we always value his input. Then of coarse the trip wouldn’t be complete without going to the rodeo which is a blast!

October 3, First Nations Sunday this was just a day after “Every Child Matters” so we spent some time educating our friends and families about what happened to First Nations children who were sent to boarding schools in Canada and the United States. We believe it is important that people know and understand these issues in order for us to help bring about full restoration to our First Nations people.

October 14 & 15, our grandson Presley traveled with us to help lead worship first to Sacred Path Fellowship in Tacoma, That evening we were at Black Lake Conference center to lead worship for an International prayer conference. Sunday Morning Jerry shared a word at Muckleshoot Pentecostal Church in Auburn. We are so thankful for all of our friends who come out and support us with their drums and dance.

October 21, we did some vending at the Cowlitz Pow Wow in Longview and had the opportunity to meet up with friends we haven’t seen in a while. Grandson Presley dressed in regalia and took to the arena in dance for the first time. We are so pleased with his desire to participate in his First Nations culture.

November 3 & 4, Better Together Conference Hillside Church Kent WA. This was about building bridges not walls by listening and learning. By shared information, inspiration, focused dialogue and practice. This was the hope, the strategy and the plan for this conference. Jerry shared with a discussion panel and gathered all the pastors and ministry leaders around the Abba drum in worship. This was a powerful moment for those in attendance.

November 6, First Nations Sunday, always a powerful time in the word, worship, prayer ministry and so much more. People wear their regalia bring their drums and banners and worship in the way creator made them!

November 11, back to the State Capitol to lead worship for Veterans Day. Presley helped us lead worship with intercessors from Light of the World Prayer Center and Daniels House of prayer.

November 13, Home School Co-op for Native American month. What a joy to teach our young people native traditions & songs with hands on participation.

November 15, SQ’ EWA: LXW totem unveiling day at Ruby Creek. Amazing day with family and community. We finished the day with land assignment.

November 17, back to Siletz for dinner fellowship at Parker Ranch and Sunday service at Sacred Church. As the church has more than one guitar player Presley played drums and rocked it!

November 21, we joined Firestorm Ministries for a time of prayer for the Cowlitz Tribe at Ilinai Casino.

After a joyous First Nations gathering on December 3, we began our winter sabbatical .

Thank you for all of your prayers and support.

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Something New!

April 11, 2023

Hey Friends
You may have heard we have just recently reached our 20 year mark as a non-profit ministry! Time just seems to have flown by. At this juncture we have decided to make some changes. One being we are rebranding to Drumspeaker Ministries. Jerry has never wanted his name on the ministry so now we have officially changed that. Drumspeaker was actually the name given him by our chief Maureen Chapman many years ago. This was a natural observation as that is what he is called to do in ministering with the drums.

We want to thank you again for your support! Without people like you this work would not be possible. Our schedule for spring and summer is filling up. Including the completion of our recording project, hopefully in May. This has been going for over a year now and we are looking forward to bringing the new music to you.

Effective this May, please make your check payable to Drumspeaker Ministries.
Or Venmo Jerry Chapman@JerryChapman-2

Love and appreciate you all!
Jerry & Leslie

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Update October 22- December

Update October 22-December 2022

October 22-24 We traveled to Powell Butte and Post Oregon to join “ Prayer At the Heart Oregon”. Oregon has joined the rest of the states in a nation prayer movement. The mission is to ignite a great spiritual awakening and dispel darkness in all fifty states. We joined in representing First Nations in worship and intercession. Including traveling to the most central location in Oregon for repentance, the release of prophetic acts and declarations.

November 7, We had our monthly First Nations service at Shekinah. Friends traveled from both Oregon and Washington. We were pleased to have several First Nation moms and children join us. It was a treat to have Martin Neil join us in worship as he and his wife Rebecca had recently returned to work on our recording project.

November 8, Our 36 year old daughter Natalie suffered a stroke. Her right arm and leg paralyzed. There was no fore warning. That being said life changed dramatically that day. All praise to God as she has made miraculous strides in recover over the last few months. She and her 12 year old son, Presley are living with us and will most likely stay until she is more independent. We take it one day at a time. But we recognize she is up and about improving daily by the grace of God and a lot of hard work on her part. Please continue to keep this in your prayer.

November 11-14 Jerry and the Neils traveled to Siletz to join up with friends there to continue working on the recording project. They were also able to get some sounds of the Oregon coast. We were happy that they were able to experience the beauty of the land there. We are looking forward to meeting with Martin in 2023 to complete the recording of the project. We appreciate your prayers for finances, travel arrangements and the Father’s timing to get this project out.

Was First Nations Sunday at Shekinah. The Lord gave Leslie thoughts on brokenness. It was a natural topic as we watch our daughter move through the most difficult and traumatic experience of her life. Leslie’s words were well received and many were able to relate. Holy Spirit is always so faithful. We are so very thankful for Maggie and our Shekinah family for making space for our ministry.

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Mid September Up date

September 9-11, we were at Muckleshoot Pentecostal Church in Auburn for Pastor Kenny Williams celebration of life gathering. Visitors came from all over to remember our dear friend and family member. It was a weekend of Holy Ghost encounters, angelic presence and healing. We are sure Kenny was looking down from his heavenly home with a big smile on his face.

Prayer Muchkleshoot

September 14-16, took us to Pendleton Oregon for the Round Up and Happy Cannon Indian Pageant. This has been something we have always wanted to do but could never squeeze it in when Jerry was working full time. Thank you to Danny and Gloria Houle for buying our tickets, giving us a place to park our trailer and chauffeuring us all around tow

September 18, we traveled to Hillside Nazarene Church in Kent. Pastor Ev Tustin instigated a gift of alters for  the Muckleshoot church in honor of Pastor Kenny. Pastor Charlotte and her daughter Serena were there to receive the gift. Jerry came and share some drum songs to further honor the First Nation community.

September 24, we travel to Bellingham for a memorial where Jerry will help with worship and then also share in worship on Sunday morning.

October 2, we will be at Shekinah for our monthly First Nations Sunday. 

October 6-9, we are headed to Newport OR for a  prophetic worship gathering and then to lead worship a church service on the Siletz reservation on Sunday morning. 

October 15 the Cowlitz Pow Wow will be at the convention center in Longview. Grand Entries are 1:00 and 7:00 pm. We will be there vending.  This is a good time to come out and support our local tribe!

October 21-23, is Prayer At the Heart. We have been asked to join the Oregon prayer movement for an  assignment at  Powell Butte Oregon. Releasing the love and blessing of God, re-open historical wells of revival and pray for the people, cultured landOkay friends that’s what we have for now. As always your love, prayers and financial support are greatly appreciated.

Recording update: Martin and Rebeca Neil were here for 2 weeks in August working on the Pre -recording for Jerry’s new album. A big thank you to Doug Wheeler for donating his recording studio! Even with this huge contribution from Doug we will need finances to complete the project. Your support would be greatly appreciated. The Neils will be returning in November to hopefully complete the recording portion.

Giving: You can give by check and mail to us at 2501 Corman Rd Longview WA 98632
We also have a Venmo Account Jerry Chapman@Jerry-Chapman-2

THANK YOU to Natalie and Presley who are now house siting when we travel!

Love and blessings to each of you!

J & L

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Summer 22 Update

Hello friends,

We have been enjoying A fantastic summer so far. July 28-31 we attended the Wiconi family camp in Turner Oregon. The weather was beyond hot, high ninety’s every day, but that did not keep anyone from having a great time of fellowship, fun, worship and teaching.  There was an excellent turnout at the powwow on Saturday. 

Sunday morning we had the opportunity to present Gary Eastty with his new Abba drum and anoint it with song during worship. Also on Sunday morning Jerry shared his new song “Wake Up Sleeping Giant”.  The room broke out in dance and intercession! We finished the day and camp praying over everyone in the room.  Thank you to the Family Camp coordinators and Alderscreek conference center for all your hard work to make the camp a success. We left being beyond blessed as we headed for the coast for an overnight to cool off. Arrived in Lincoln City to comfortable 59°.

Sunday, August 7, we were at Shekinah Christian Center for our First Nations Sunday service.  Our friend Molly Korpala was here from Alaska and shared in dance and protocol. Also some dear ones who have been praying for us and First Nations for over 20 years were in attendance. Barb Steely, Larry Russel, Ruth Nelson and Linda Haarstad, thank you!  We so love going to Shekinah once a month and worshiping with the congregation there. It has become our home away from home.

Coming up next we have our friends Martin and Rebekah Neil coming from Wales to help Jerry with his recording project. They will be staying with us from the 14th through the 30th. 

August 18 through the 21st we will be participating with the Kalama heritage festival at the  Kalama Marina Park. Jerry is helping to facilitate a canoe landing on Saturday morning and will also be doing a worship service Sunday morning which will include some of our friends from Sacred Ground Church in Siletz coming to help with worship.  We are honored and blessed to have the Cowlitz tribe coming for protocol at the canoe landing and they have also volunteered to do a salmon bake for lunch on Saturday. We look forward to seeing as many of our friends who can possibly make it that weekend. 

We will also be vending at the event and will have our new Drumspeaker Shirts as well as the Sleeping Giant Shirts for Sale!

Saturday Canoe Landing and Protocol on the beach 8:00 am, Salmon at lunch time.

Sunday Worship Service 9:00 am at the Amphitheater

We will finish the month out working on recording Jerry’s new songs.

Please keep us in your prayers, all of these wonderful opportunities do not always come without opposition. And Jerry has had some health issues this past week and is focusing on healing up with medication and some treatments. Your prayers for complete health and restoration are greatly appreciated. 

Thank you friends for your prayers and support.

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First Nations Sunday 5/1/22

Shekinah Christian Center a 5/1/22 Drumspeaker at Shekinah•First Nations Sunday.

t’s a true honor and joy to welcome Drumspeaker to Shekinah on the first Sunday of each month for First Nations Sunday. 

Jerry and Leslie Chapman create a space that honors all people, all ages and encourages active engagement in worship, prayer, declaration and the Word of God.

EVERY•SINGLE•TIME we gather the Holy spirit shows up in mighty ways. 

There is truly something incredible that takes place as all gather around the Unity Abba Drum. You can feel the heartbeat of the Father. He delights in the gathering of this space.

“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is For brothers to dwell together in unity! 

It is like the precious oil upon the head, Coming down upon the beard, Even Aaron’s beard, Coming down upon the edge of his robes. 

It is like the dew of Hermon Coming down upon the mountains of Zion; For there the Lord commanded the blessing—life forever.”

Psalms 133:1-3 NASB

We honor you Jerry and Leslie! Thank you for willing hearts to serve Our Creator and for partnering with the Holy Spirit as He leads each of us. 

Join us on June 5, 2022 for our next First Nations Sunday!

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2021 Review

To start, we would like to thank each one of you who has supported us with you prayers, time, friendship and finances. With your support we keep going. We declare the blessing of the Lord on each one of you.

As we proceeded to minister through the confines of another year of mandates and protocols, the Lord continued to prove himself faithful. Allowing a surprising amount of ministry opportunities. Jerry is fully retired from truck driving and has easily filled his time in the drum shop and meeting with many people during the week. 

January 29-30 We had the privilege to join Steve Hampton in Vancouver WA for a time of worship and sharing in prophetic words.  Steve is a gifted musician and is so in love with Holy Spirit. His  worship in combination with the drums was most refreshing to say the least. The Lord has given Steve a unique gift in the understanding of the healing power of frequencies using the music of therapeutic singing bowls. We were able to take time each night to experience how the Lord can minister through our senses. God created everything in the heavenly realms and on earth. He made the things we can see and the things we can’t see. Everything was created through him and for him. Col 1:16 This includes everything we touch, see and hear!

February 26-28 Once again we were able to partner with Steve Hampton here in Longview. Friday night we did worship at Evangel where Steve also shared his story of his life from a young age of serving the Lord in ministry.   Over the weekend he took appointments at our home for sound therapy. We found our home full the entire weekend with guests coming for appointments then staying late into the night just to fellowship with one another. We enjoyed discussing how Steve’s teachings stretched us. Sunday morning he had the opportunity to share some prophetic words over the congregation of our home church Evangel.

April 18  Shekinah Christian Center in Longview has invited us to share in First Nation style of worship and ministry one Sunday a month. Our First Nation family has been hungry for gathering and fellowship. It’s a time of drumming, prayer and proclamations. We have friends coming from all directions to participate. This gathering was our grandson Presley’s first time to minister on the  drum during worship, making for a proud Pops! (smile). Every gathering is followed by a potluck (as every native gathering should be). We are thankful for Maggie Kennedy’s heart for us and being so thoughtful for inviting us in for these times of ministry.

May 11-13 Prayer Summit Cannon Beach OR. This is our sacred time to unite with other prayer folks. Pastors and leaders from the region come together seeking the Lord for new kingdom strategies to be birthed and then flourish. It’s a great get away and good coffee!

May 15-16  From Cannon Beach we headed to Siletz OR.  We took a couple of days in Lincoln City to have a mini vacation. Our plan had been to take a real vacation after Jerry retired but with restrictions it didn’t happen so this was the perfect opportunity to just take some time enjoying the coast.  Saturday the 16th we were honored to be invited to share in worship at the memorial service of our good friend Bob Ledbetter at Sacred Ground Church in Siletz. We have never had so much fun at a  memorial. Bob was a comic at heart and remembering his humor and good nature made an all around pleasant send off. We are sure he is the life of the party in his heavenly home. Sunday morning Jerry served in worship with the Sacred Ground worship team. It is always a pleasure to share in ministry with these people. Monday morning Scott Albright invited us to share live on Winds  of Praise Radio. That was a fun experience. A few friends from home were actually able to listen in  while we were on air.

July 2 Sunday First Nation service at Shekinah

July 4 Jerry partnered with an all pastors worship team at our local Fourth of July festival. The time was enjoyed by all. 

July 18-19  Sacred Ground worship team from Siletz OR invited us to lead worship with them at Freedom Four Square church in Portland OR. We had a great time in worship both days. The congregation is a prayer powered group and are very receptive to our style of worship.

July 22  We traveled to Redmond OR to perform the wedding ceremony for our friends Steve and Shellie Copeland. We declare the blessings of the Lord on them and their children. 

July 26 Muckelshoot Church tent meeting with Nathan French. Jerry joined in with worship. There was a good teaching in preparation for their prophetic meetings in Tacoma.

July 30 Service at Shekinah 

September 5  Service at Shekinah, all of these worship times have been so special. So good for everyone to be able to be free in worship with drum and dance.

September 15-16  We had the honor to attend the memorial service for Pastor Kenny Williams pastor of Muckleshoot Pentecotal Church. Kenny was a true example of one who literally shares the love of Jesus in word and action. This man was filled with the joy of the Lord! He is missed. 

September 22  Mountain top prayer at Hurricane Ridge. We met with intercessors from Washington State and pastors Sam and Suganthi Dewald of Arlington Texas. Declaring the promises of God over our state!

September 26 the Methodist Church of Rainier OR and Longview WA invited us to their services. We shared in song and about how our ministry works. The Methodist church is aware and had a part in the residential schools in the US and Canada and are in the process of seeking reconciliation. 

October 2  The team from Siletz came and blessed our community at our service at Shekinah. It was really nice to be able to bring in a full worship team. We are thankful that these guys were willing to make the drive up to be with us.

October 24 Jerry shared at our home church Evangel in the morning for Pastor’s appreciation. In the evening we traveled to Chehalis and shared with song and the word at Pathway Church of God. Pathway is a very prophetic group, it was a great night in participating with Holy Spirit. God’s message spoke of colors and kingdom.

October 31 At the gracious invitation of Pastor Ev Tustin we went to Hillside Nazarene church in Kent WA. There we shared in an adult Sunday school class, Jerry helped with worship. He then shared an introduction to Native ministry along with Pastor Charolette Williams from Muckleshoot Pentecostal church. 

November 7 We had our scheduled Sunday service at Shekinah.

November 22 and 29 In honor of Native American month Jerry went to a local home school group and shared drumming and protocol with the kids. They we a most attentive group and loved participating in song with the drum and other native percussion instruments.

December 5 Was our last Sunday at Shekinah for the year 2021. We had a good time in worship and prayer and as always a potluck lunch following. We have become quite attached to this congregation and look forward to our time together each month.

December 10 We hosted our first Drumspeaker supporters open house. We had over 30 guests attend. Everyone had a great time and it was so nice to connect our supporters with one another and serve them with some Christmas hospitality. Thank you Natalie and Tracey for helping Leslie put this event together.     

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2020 Review

This was a most unusual year with the Covid virus closing down most of the country. We also had many ministry plans canceled. But we did have some doors open for corporate times of worship and intercession.

Jonathan Maracle

In January Drumspeaker  hosted Jonathan Maracle  of Broken Walls at Evangel for the morning service. There were several who traveled from Washington and Oregon to attend. There was lunch gathering at our home in the afternoon. Then the evening service was at the Church of Truth.  One of Jonathan’s comments was “It was so good to come to the region of my friend Jerry Chapman here in Washington. People came from across the region, native and non native. I was able to give them the love of Jesus and answers to questions they’ve carried for a long time.”

February, Jerry did a drum-building workshop in the Barn. The students had a great time learning not only to build a drum but also about First Nation culture and worship using drums. We were planning on more workshops but they are still on hold until things begin to open up for group gatherings again.

March April and May were quiet as people were asked to “shelter in place”. Jerry continued his job driving truck with out any limits on that activity. We did church online and also some other ministry via Zoom.

Starting in June our church began having services outside.  Jeff Hoover chose a different park location each week and that is where we gathered. It was wonderful to have something to look forward to.  Jeff made it an adventure, as he wouldn’t announce the location until just a couple days before. Jerry was a part of worship for all “Free Range” gatherings.

August 6, we joined a group of intercessors from the Portland area and prayer walked downtown Portland. The downtown area has been taken over by BLM, and ANTIFA, stores and business boarded up because of  nightly protests and destruction that went on throughout the summer. There has been little relief since summer. We continue to pray.

 August 7, we returned to Portland for a worship gathering with Sean Feucht. There were thousands of believers from the region worshiping the God of creation, calling forth His blessings on our land. What an encouraging time!

He is now officially retired from truck driving. Jeff Hoover did a nice job of honoring Jerry at our Sunday gathering. So far Jerry has had no trouble keeping busy in the drum shop and around the house.

September 4, we went to Vancouver WA for another time of worship with Sean Feucht.  It was an amazing time of worship, salvation and baptism in the Columbia River.

Pray Assignment Toledo WA

September 19, Jerry was invited to Hillside Church in Kent representing First Nation as a part of a discussion group titled “Are We Not One? “ A Conversation Toward Racial Reconciliation”.  We came away realizing just how many people are still struggling with their true identity in Christ causing them to continue to seek affirmation outside of the Creator.

View from our room Canon Beach

October 12-15, we landed in Cannon Beach OR for the KLMA prayer summit. It was good to be able to get out with other ministry leaders for a time away, seeking the Father’s heart together. It was a little rough for Jerry as he was still recovering from a more serious than normal gallbladder surgery. He pushed through drumming as he reclined in his lawn chair. 

Bruce Calhoun

October 17, Was the day we said goodbye to our dear friend Bruce Calhoun. Bruce was a part of every facet of Drumspeaker ministry. He was genius at configuring the pictures Jerry had in his mind. He was always of good cheer and his humor was beyond compare. Bruce was the best of friends always available to help out or just simply encourage Jerry in so many undertakings. Bruce Calhoun is dearly missed.

November 11, Suuqiina came to share. We normally have him at our home but decided to host him at Evangel to be better able to social distance. There was a good turn out and everyone came away being inspired with Suq’s teaching and entertained by his famous comedic rants.

December 14, We joined Daniels House of Prayer in Olympia for a time Prayer and Carols at the Capitol. It was good to join in with other worshipers and intercessors worshiping the King of kings and declaring His blessing on our state.

Mark Dykstra did a recording of Jerry drumming take a listens on this You tube site https://youtu.be/XwpX8p2jcIs

Thank you all for your prayers and financial support. Please contact us with any prayer needs you would like us to partner with you in.


Jerry and Leslie






2019 Review

January 20: Jerry had the privilege of meeting at the home of Ken and Barb Steely to spend time with Ken and Alison Wild from England. Holy Spirit gave him a song for the Wilds as well as a couple of prophetic gifts.


Bruce Calhoun #1 helper with his new Bardhran drum Jerry made for him

February 19:  The Perspectives group invited Jerry to share in song and give a brief testimony on Native Ministry.

March 16: We were invited to the home of Dave and Nancy Bodine for a gathering with the group Son Of Issachar. It was wonderful time for us to receive ministry, encouragement, and commissioning and prophetic words.

March 21: Suuqiina came to the barn and shared some of his unique and thought provoking teachings. He is always a favorite guest of our community.

March 29-30:  Rainier Assembly of God was to host Ray Hughes who ended up quarantined to his hotel with the flu. Darin Scott from SRC showed up to fill in and had a tremendous teaching and prophetic time. Jerry had been commissioned to build a Bodhran drum for Ray so did a video presentation of the drum for Ray to see at a later date. They have remained in contact and we look forward to meeting up in the future.

April 19: The Washington State prayer coordinator Dara Casey invited Jerry to come open the prayer tent at the capitol for Passover. The sky cleared just as we arrived and there was a wonderful time of worship and prayer.

April 27: We were honored to attend a traditional naming ceremony of three of Jerry’s elders at the Chiwalthal long house in BC Canada.

National Day of Prayer
Dancers at State Capitol

May 2: The National Day of prayer found us at the Jackson Court House site and then up to the State Capitol for prayer and drum worship.

May 7-8: KLMA prayer summit in Cannon Beach Oregon.  We always look forward to this annual gathering of ministry leaders from our community to get away to relax, pray and worship. Even though we were only there for part of the gathering we came home refreshed and encouraged.

May 25: Jerry performed a wedding ceremony for a family member of our good friend Michelle Clark. Native tradition was part of the ceremony with Jerry actually singing and drumming. A bit unusual for the minister to sing but it was very well received.The groom is a Marine so military honor and culture was also included in the ceremony.

Neils at Evangel
Matin & Rebekah at Evangel

June 6-17: Martin and Rebecca Neil came for a visit. We had a great time catching up with each other’s lives. The Neils shared some of their adventures in ministry stories at Evangel on the 9th along with a little drumming and singing.  We were glad to have them here at the house for support when Jerry ended up sick in the hospital for several days. They even went to a local parade with Leslie and the baton club!

Lightening Stony Plain AB
Lightening Storm Stoney Plain

July 12-14: Kingdom Now Pow Wow in Stony Plain Alberta with Art Lucier and the Harvest ministry team. This was our second time to take part in this powerful time of worship and intercession. Jerry is always honored to be able to drum with the many gifted muscians.

Wiconi Drum Workshop

July 26-28: Wiconi family camp and pow wow. Jerry taught a drum-building workshop. There was a Sing to the Mountains worship festival that included many different worship leaders with whom several had Jerry sit in and play drums. And of coarse there was the family Pow Wow on Saturday including roasted pig dinner! As always it was good to catch up with old friends as well as make many new acquaintances.

August: Jerry headed to Canada for a family gathering while Leslie traveled to France and Spain with daughter Breanne and granddaughter Ava for a baton competition.

August 31: Civic Center Longview, Worship in the Park. Jeff Hoover thought it would be a good idea to have Jerry do some drum worship in the park. So we did! Jeff Beck started out with a traditional worship set while hot dogs were barbequed and served and then Jerry did some drumming with Steve Hamilton on bowls and Todd Adams on flute.

Gifting Mayor of Portland OR

September 7-8: Conquest 2019 Portland Oregon, Jerry led the 120 drum ministers from all over the United States and Canada who came to partner with Portland churches who are united in prayer, worship and evangelism. This was a powerful time in the spirit. What an honor it was to lead the churches of Portland with native drumming and dance. Jerry also had the opportunity to gift the mayor of Portland with a drum that had the word unity in Hebrew written on it.  On Sunday many of our First Nation ministers came to our home for a time of fellowship and downloading before heading to their homes.

September 28: Jerry did a drum worship set at the Washington State fair. We want to thank our friends who came out to support us on the drum and in dance.

October 26: Four of our family members received their traditional names Jerry’s brother Brett, sister Debra, brother in law Dave, niece Sharron and family friend David Carson. The purpose of the ceremony is to recognize a person as to who they are and what they represent and give them the name that best describes them. We were so happy to be able to be in attendance on this special day.

December 18: Suuqiina returned for a visit and a time of questions and answers as he finished up his travels for 2019. We had some new friends in attendance and   like everyone else they were pleased they had the opportunity to hear Suq share.


Jerry and Leslie



2018 Review

January: Jerry headed out to the all native men’s retreat in Bellingham WA. That same weekend Leslie attended a prophetic conference with Bonnie Jones at Three Rivers house of prayer in Longview.

January 18-20 we traveled to Nespelem WA near Coulee Dam to help our friend Bershet with her husband Gua’s celebration of life service. It was a beautiful time of worship in honor of this faithful man of God.
On the way home we stopped at the Wanapum museum, it was interesting to see their history. We sensed a spirit of welcome and peace.

February: In the early hours of February 7, Ann Maguire Chapman (Jerry’s mom) went home to be with her savior. No longer restrained by the confines of this world. We traveled to Canada February 9-11 for a memorial with family and friends. All but 4 of Jerry’s surviving siblings were able to attend.

February 15-19 we went to Oroville CA to minister at the First Nations Leadership Summit 5778. Leaders came from all over United States, Canada, as well as from England and Israel. Part of our purpose in gathering was confirming Native leadership responsibilities and gaining knowledge regarding gatekeeping. It was an intense time of worship, intercession and declaration.

February 23 was the Love in the Name of Christ annual fund raising dinner. Director Larry Russell has been instrumental in keeping First Nations Ministry visible in our community. It is an honor to be able to give back in small way by donating drums for the auction.

During the month of March Jerry had a couple of drum building workshops. We are always looking for opportunities to mentor and share drum building and protocol.

March 24: We had our annual JCM ministry board meeting. We are so thankful for our leadership team. Dave and Nancy Bodine, Lennie Retterath and Tracey Pruitt. They are tremendous support for us in prayer, prophetic vision and encouragement.

March 30-April 1we attended a The Return of the Gate Keepers of Turtle Islandat the Pentecostal church on the Muckleshoot reservation. Jerry was asked to emcee the 3-day event. First Nations North America (120 drums) commissioned several new gatekeepers. We also heard teachings from those who have been walking out the commission for many years. There were precious times of worship led by Robby Cummings with Jerry on the native kit. There were powerful testimonies from Tim Ehymann and Abraham George. Lynda Prince and Charlotte Williams went above and beyond with protocol. Our hands go up to Grand Chief Lynda Princeas she presses forward with abandon in Yeshua’s call for her to encourage the advancement of First Nations. Taking their rightful positions as Spirit led leaders

April 21 Jerry was invited to lead worship for Bridge Builders in Sequim WA. We joined Pat and Gary Walker who teach from a First Nations perspective with grace and humility. We so appreciate the Walkers, as they were some of the first people to spur us on into Native ministry and have continued their support through the years. We enjoyed the prayer group hosting the event and once again came away with new like hearted friends.

Also in April Suuqiina returned to the Barn for another evening of great teaching and revelation.

There was more drum building days in April with the undertaking of the building of Rival Drums for South Dakota.
Also as a result of these individuals coming to the shop the 120 drum project for Canada was started we now have 60 frames built for those drums!

May 8-9 we attended the Kelso Longview Ministry prayer summit in Cannon Beach OR. This is an annual event and we look forward to spending the time together with ministry leaders from our community in worship prayer and fellowship. This year was unique in that we were able to gather the group to pray into one of the revival drums Jerry built for South Dakota.

May 30-June 4 We drove to Palmer’s Gulch South Dakota to deliver the drums built from a tree that was standing during the Red River Rival of the 1800’s. Also known as the second Great Awakening. The location of the gathering was unique as it sits between Mt Rushmore and the Crazy Horse Monument. Travis Vaad who commissioned Jerry to build the drums has a huge heart for First Nations people. Native Americans predominantly attend the Church where Travis is pastor.

We were so pleased to have our Pastor Jeff Hoover and Patrick Pickett from Longview make the trip to join us at the gathering. Jeff, Jerry & Leslie had a chance to make the hike up Crazy Horse where Jerry took the opportunity to sing and drum in worship. The meetings where filled with worship, prayer, declarations of hope and healing. Drums were sent out and commissions made to those who will use them in Native ministry. It was an honor to meet Jerome Slidesoff pastor, evangelist and descendant of Crazy Horse. A big thank you goes out to Travis and Jenna Vaad for all of their time, finances and hard work in putting this profound gathering together.

July brought us to the Wiconi family camp in Turner Oregon. It was so nice to meet up with old friends in a relaxed atmosphere. Jerry was slotted to teach a drum- building workshop. When he was setting up for the class he realized he had forgotten the drum frame. The class quickly turned into what to do with limited resources and a unique box shaped “story” drum was created. We brought our youngest two grandchildren who had a fabulous time on the water slide and in the creek!

August 30-Sept 4, at the invitation of Art Lucier we landed in Stony Plain Alberta for the Kingdom Now Worship Pow Wow. This event was so encouraging for us. It was evident from the start that the Holy Spirit was moving the current in this river of intercession, worship, declaration, celebration and vision casting. The weather was crazy from rain to sun to really cold, but there was no stopping what Abba had planned for this gathering. We were so well taken care of during the entire stay. We are very thankful for the support and generosity of new and old friends alike. We look forward to the opportunity to join the team from Harvest Ministries in the future.

October 25 and 26 we set off to Portland Oregon for a conference with prophet Jim Goll. Jim’s teaching was perfect for that specific time for both of us. We came away inspired and with our vision refreshed.

November 3 Jerry was asked to again emcee the Tacoma Intertribal Gathering’s fundraiser dinner and auction. All had a fun time and some much-needed funds were raised for this intertribal ministry.

Through out the year we traveled to BC on weekends to spend time with our tribal council and family in planning sessions concerning the future of Sqwe’lqwel. Much has been accomplished and there is much more to be done. We are very thankful to our chief and council for their many hours of hard work in this often times difficult and consuming task.

At home we are close to our church family who is very supportive in all
our ministry endeavors. Our hearts are full knowing we are loved and blessed by Evangel Christian Fellowship.


Thank you to all who have been faithful to pray and also give generously of your finances. Jerry is looking toward retirement in early 2020. With that will come a smaller income to offset ministry expenses.  We ask that if you are not already doing so, that you would prayerfully consider giving on a regular basis.


Jerry & Leslie Chapman


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2018 Photo Report

Hello Friends,

Thank you all for your prayers, participation and finacial support. 
Please take a look at our  photo report below of the many opportunites we have been blessed to be a part of. We look forward to all the Father has in store for us this year
 . Our prayer is that the He will bless you and keep you moving in his love and abundant blessings throughout 2018.
Jerry & Leslie Chapman

November 11: We took our final trip of 2017 to BC for our Sq’ewa:lxw gathering. We look forward to starting up again in 2018.

Tacoma Fund Raiser Gathering

November 4: Jerry served as emcee at the Tacoma Intertibal Gathering dinner and auction fund raiser. These volunteers work endlessly to serve the cultural people in the Tacoma area. We were happy to be a part of their evening.

Kids worship at the Abba drum.







October 23-28, was a Week of Worship at our home Church of Evangel. On Saturday night Jerry brought out the Abba drum for worship.









October 19-22: All Tribes DC Prayer Gathering. This was a great time of worship and intercession for our nation. Believers from all over the US and Canada calling on the Father for One Nation Under God. The next day we went to tour the city and found ourselves at a multi-denominational reconciliation service on the Lawn of the Capitol. We know that this was a divine appointment.

October 14: Sq’ewa:lxw Community Meeting Sardis BC. We have a good representation of all generations at our gatherings. Feeling really encouraged as a family.

October 5-8, we arrived at the Mission in Vacaville CA for a weekend of story telling and worship. David and Cheryl Tacha do an excellent job of honoring First Nations people while hosting this conference.   We met many new people and as always it was good to see old friends from through out the US and Canada.

Worship with Cheryl Bear, Vacaville CA

Story telling with Suuqiina Vacaville CA

Jewerly crafting with Lou Silva







Ocober 5 & 6,  we had the honor to stay in the home of Lou and Cindy Silva in Biggs CA. While we were there Jerry  had the privelege to learn the basics of crafting with silver from Lou who happens to be a Master Craftsman. Lou also serves the most amazing ribs in his own secret sauce!

October 1,
Suuqiina returned to the Barn for a time of story telling and mini art show.


This is who we are!




September 16, we headed up to British Columbia for a Sq’e’p, (Community Meeting). We are encouraged as we as  the Sq’ewa:lxw people move forward in our goal of independance.

June 17, Jerry was honored to be a part of the first scheduled event at the newly reopened Monticello Hotel joining believers from our community in a time of worship and declarations of blessings over our community.

Drum Worship at the Lake

July 1, We brought the Abba drum to Lake Sacajawea to participate as one of several  community worship sets during the day. What a blessing to be able to serve our community this way.


July 16, Pastor Mark Schmutz invited to share on some of our up coming ministry dates. We were honored to receive prayer and financial support from our friends at Northlake.

Northlake Baptist Longview

July 21-24: Worship & intercession on the Lummi Rez & concert with Jonathan Maracle in Tacoma. So glad to be a part

Dancing Our Prayers

Lummi Nation Worship Time

Prayer Tent Lummi

Tacoma WA









Tacoma WA





May 2-3, We attended the KLMA Prayer Summit. The prayer, worship and fellowship times were rich and encouraging.

May 4, We had the honor of attending the National Day of Prayer breakfast at the Governor’s Mansion for a
time honoring First Nation leaders. At noon we prayed and worshiped
on the Capitol steps.

May 18, Suuqiina came to the Barn for another night of great teaching.


May 27, Was the Sto’:Lo Nation Names Tour. This was a wonderful opportunity to learn more of the history of our Sto’:Lo anncestors and the land where they were placed by Creator. We aslo had a much needed time of connecting with our Chapman  family.

Sto’:Lo Office Sardis BC








April 26, 2017

We are moving closer to our goal of full time ministry with a favorable increase in prayer and financial support.  Thank you friends. If you are not already partnering with us we invite you to become one of our team. Just get a hold of us and we can get you plugged in.

Jerry traveled to Bellingham WA with friend Dale Wheeler to the All native Men’s Retreat April 7-9.  It was a fulfilling time of worship and fellowship for everyone.

Courtney & Jerry

April 22nd we had Courtney Villenueve leading us in an anointed time of worship and a facinationg teaching from Aaron Auer at the Barn.  Aaron has done extensive reasearch on the history of our believing ancestors in the Pacific Northwest.

Aaron Auer



March 13, 2017

14 drums ready for shipment to Taiwanese delegation

Just a quick update from the last 2 weeks. March 2-4 we had the honor to host two ladies from the second year class of Bethel Ministry School. A group of eight came to Evangel to share their ministry with our community. Bethany & Cheryl were a delight to have in our home and the ministry time at Evangel with our congregation was fantastic!

March 11, we traveled to Auburn WA to facilitate a gathering at Wabash Church. Some of the congregation are desireing a close relatioship with the Tribal community. We were so blessed to have so many of our friends join us. A big thank you to Pastors Kenny & Charolette,  Pastors Gary & Pat, Marie, Sue, Rita, Betty, Pastor Chet & Jean, & Dave for being willing to share your gifts.


 February 28, 2017

We want to say a Huge Thank You to Jeff, Mike & Elijah for coming out two weeks ago to split, & stack firewood to heat our barn and home. There is alway so much to do to keep this place we call home and ministry center moving forward. We seriously could not keep up without all the help our friends and ministry partners provide.16832055_10155543594000656_5621137530746761913_n

We were blessed to have Suqqinna from Indegeninous Messengers International share to a full house this past Sunday night. It was good to have some new folks come and we always enjoy seeing our regular attenders. The teaching time and fellowship was rich and we look forward to Suq’s next visit.

This coming weekend we will be hosting a couple of students from Bethel who are coming to Longview for some ministry time at Evangel. You can find details for the weekend at evangel-online.com

Again we want to thank each of you who support us with your prayers and finances. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you are interested in coming along side us in this adventure we call ministry!
Jerry & Leslie Chapman


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2016 Review



We give thanks to Yeshua for every opportunity that He so graciously sets before us. We also want to thank

 each of you who support us with your prayers and finances.
2016 was a busy season. Ministry took us from Los Angeles for the Azusa prayer gathering to the northern most part British Columbia for the Stikine gospel music festival. There were weddings, pow wows, seminars, retreats, healing meetings, prayer summits and memorial services. Each event bringing us together with family, old friends and meeting many new friends as well. All of these things being packed in vacations and holidays. When we look back at our schedule we area amazed how Abba took us thousands of miles in such a short amount of time. The blessing of it all was that He allowed us, and those we ministered with to share His love, passion and compassion as He restored and renewed so many.
As we look forward to 2017 we already have many things lining up on the calendar. Jerry is still driving truck full time and Leslie is rustling grand kids and coaching baton. We are diligently working to prepare for Jerry’s retirement from the driving job. This in itself is a job! So many details we really haven’t had time to think about, but now realize the clock is ticking down. Please pray that we can get our ducks lined up! We are also going to need a considerable increase in financial support to make this happen as Jerry’s scheduled full retirement isn’t for another 3 1⁄2 years. We are looking for people who are willing to partner with us on a consistent basis. We have had a handful of individuals who have supported us from the beginning of our ministry. These people have helped us in keeping the ministry moving forward for many years. For us to go full time it will take a sizable increase. Please pray about being a regular contributor in this ministry that Abba has allowed us to steward. We would be happy to meet with you to discuss your involvement.
As far as our Barn ministry goes Jerry is still building drums and ministering to the guys that need a safe comfortable space. Jerry is taking orders for all types of drums, if you are interested in purchasing one just send him an email to get the conversation started. We have had a couple of meetings and are praying into having more activity in the Prayer Loft in 2017. We are also happy to open for those who need a place for small gatherings or just a quiet place to pray.
We want to send out a special thanks to Love Inc., who once again came to help out on the property. This year splitting endless amount of firewood to heat our barn and home.
Please watch our itinerary for future ministry dates. We would be happy to have you join us on this amazing adventure.


Jerry & Leslie


Pastor Hanna

Pastor Hanna


KLMA Prayer Summit

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On the rosd again

On the rosd again


Just having fun?

Just having fun?

Home Meeting

Home Meeting

13428472_10154819881050656_665465436825704636_n 13346537_10154819878650656_5607503139855008959_n

Ruby Creek

Ruby Creek

We drove thousands of miles

We drove thousands of miles

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